Privacy and confidentiality

Privacy by design

At RedefineCompliance we take privacy and confidentiality very seriously, any personal data or confidential information provided to us by clients or candidates will be handled in accordance with all applicable legislation. We will not request or store any data or information that is not fundamental to delivering the services being provided by us.

PROVISION of personal data

In general, it is unlikely that RedefineCompliance will ever request or require to store personal data, an exception to this would be provision of Curriculum Vitae (CV) documentation and appropriate contact details (e.g. email addresses) for the purpose of selecting and contacting prospective candidates for work. Please only submit CV documents and contact details if you wish to be contacted by us.

Storage and retention of personal data

We will only store and retain personal data if absolutely required (e.g. to contact prospective candidates for work), and if explicit consent is given to do so. We will routinely review the data we hold to ensure that continued retention of such data is still required and we may contact you to ensure that we only hold up to date records, and also seek your consent to continue to retain your data if required. At RedefineCompliance we use a secure industry-leading, cloud-based storage solution for all of our data.

Transmission of personal data

RedefineCompliance will never proactively transfer any data across any national borders, however the data centres used to host our data may be outside of the United Kingdom and/or the European Union. RedefineCompliance will also never provide personal data to any third parties without first obtaining your explicit consent to do so.

Your right to withdraw

It is your right to withdraw any or all of your personal data from us at any time, please contact us in writing via should you wish to withdraw your personal data.